ECO4 Funding Scheme

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What is ECO
Funding Scheme

The ECO (Energy Company Obligation) scheme was launched in 2013 to help tackle fuel poverty and reduce carbon emissions through the installation of affordable energy saving measures. It is a piece of government legislation that every energy company in the UK has been obligated to, providing the funding to low-income, vulnerable and fuel poor homes.

Who can apply for the ECO4 scheme?

The eligibility criteria for ECO3 funding is based on factors such as; where you live, your required home improvements and if you already receive the following benefits:

Income based Job Seekers Allowance (JSA)
ESA with Limited Capacity for work (LCW)
Income related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
Guarantee Credit element of Pension Credit

Based on circumstances, those on the following may also qualify:

Universal Credit
Child Benefit
Carer’s Allowance
Child Tax Credit
Working Tax Credit
Personal Independence Payment
Disability Living Allowance
Mobility Supplement
Attendance Allowance
Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit
Armed Forces Independence Payment

Those in social housing should qualify for ECO grants regardless of their benefit eligibility where their Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating is E, F or G. If you are already claiming Warm Home Discount you may be eligible for ECO3 if your energy supplier is participating with the scheme. Local authorities have also set ‘flexible eligibility’ which energy companies can deliver up to 25% of their obligation under.

Apply now for your free energy savings measures

What is covered under the ECO3 scheme?

Under ECO, grants are available to cover all or part of the cost of energy efficiency measures. Some of the most common measures are: loft insulation cavity wall insulation solid wall insulation a new boiler.

How long have I got to apply?

The ECO3 scheme runs from December 2018 until March 2022.